Recently, A' Design Award has announced the official List of Award Winners of 2019-2020. Haikou West Coast Southern Park Visitor Center design presented by MUDA has won Golden in Architecture, Building and Structure Design Category. What’s more, Shouan Minjiang Flower Exhibition Center design has won Silver in Architecture, Building and Structure Design Category, and Shandong Dongping Experimental Landscape Residence design has won Bronze in Architecture, Building and Structure Design Category, which are both projects designed by MUDA-Architects. As a studio garnering three awards at the same time in the second year of participation, MUDA team sincerely appreciate the precious recognition from the jury of A' Design Award. MUDA would maintain the global vision and aesthetic design level as pioneer to present more comprehensive projects in future.
A' Design Award & Competition is currently the largest and most comprehensive global design competition, which is known as the “European Oscar Award in design field”. A' Design Award aims to collect works from broad design fields all over the world and select the most creative works of the year. It is an award recognized by ICOGRADA(International Council of Graphic Design Associations) and BEDA(The Bureau of European Design Associations). At the same time, it is also a member organization of ICSID(International Council of Societies of Industrial Design), ICOGRADA & ADI (Associazione per il Disegno Industriale).
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